Provider Directory

To seamlessly connect providers to other providers, and providers to consumers.

Skills-based Curriculum

To support early intervention as the most impactful form of suicide prevention (for schools, for corporations, for providers, and for communities).

Provider Training

To break down common industry barriers that prevent providers from providing solutions.

Insurance Support

To mitigate and minimize the financial barriers to intervention.

Lasting Outcomes

DBT-based, social/emotional learning parent courses offered concurrently with adolescent courses to foster family involvement, skills training and experiential education as suicide prevention, and a comprehensive provider directory to seamlessly connect consumers to ALL providers.

Evidence-based Data and Statistics

Get in Touch

Find us at the office

36 South 300 East, Provo UT, 84606

Give us a ring

(801) 615-2027 Mon – Fri, 9:00-5:00

Contact Us

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